If you would like to learn how to love (or love AND transform) your body, this book is for you.

Get the Book...

If you’re sick and tired of the “dieting / deprivation / disappointment” cycle and are ready to discover how to love your body, your food and your life, my brand new book, Delicious Alignment: How 25 Women Learned to Love and Transform Their Bodies Using Abraham-Hicks and the Law of Attraction is for you. Get ready to experience the delicious alignment of these 25 women as they share their journeys toward self-love!

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About Rhonda Ryder

Rhonda Ryder has studied Abraham-Hicks and the Law of Attraction for over 10 years. While each part of her life improved beyond measure practicing these teachings, there was one area she still struggled with: her weight. In her quest to learn how to love and transform her body, she decided to interview 25 women who successfully used these teaching to do just that. Though she went down three clothing sizes, Rhonda learned the true secret of freedom from the obsession with food and body size: Alignment. 

Get Connected…

Delicious Alignment – Abraham-Hicks Facebook Group

In this group, we focus on learning how to love our current bodies, while furthering our understanding of how to manifest what we want from an Abraham-Hicks/Law of Attraction point of view.

This is a very active group with lots of support!

“This book helped me learn how to finally love my body. It’s not about being ‘skinny,’ it’s about self-love. I am now easily and effortlessly releasing pounds without any kind of deprivation or restrictions. No more dieting for me! I love this book and the whole Delicious Alignment way of life!”


FREE for a limited time!

The Love Your Body, Love Your Life Video Course

The videos in this self-paced course take you through my five-step process of loving your body. They are designed to help you deepen your relationship with your Inner Being. When you nurture this relationship, when you make your alignment your number one priority, you begin to trust your body, maybe for the first time in your adult life. You begin to practice listening to your guidance about what to eat, when to eat, how to move your body, and more.

FREE Guided Visualization on Abundance


Are you ready to shift your perspective and welcome abundance into your life? This free guided visualization was created by Rhonda during one of her group coaching sessions. Everyone in the group found it so effective that Rhonda wanted to share it with you. This is your key to unlocking the abundance residing within you. Align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the prosperity you deserve.

Get Aligned…

The 10 Alignment Boosters

If you’re a student of the Law of Attraction, you know how important alignment (feeling good) is to manifesting anything you want in your life.

Alignment is pretty much the solution to everything.

  • If you want a better relationship, get in alignment.
  • If you want more money, get in alignment.
  • If you want to manifest the body you desire, get in alignment.

Click the button below to get my special PDF (print out) called The 10 Alignment Boosters. These 10 ideas will help you get into alignment anytime you need a boost.

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Get Inspired...

Create Your Desired Body Visualizations

Your imagination is one of the most magical and powerful tools you have available to you. That’s why I’m so excited about my “Create Your Desired Body Visualizations.” This free gift includes three 10-minute guided visualizations that help you access your imagination and focus on creating your desired body. Download yours and enjoy!

“Thank you, Rhonda, for your private coaching sessions. You helped me to pre-pave, identify what I am deserving of and script this into reality. As we went through the different processes and powerful visualizations, I was also able to drop two dress sizes and increase my understanding that my well-being is important. I am important. Thank you so much for your insight and guidance. Much love Paula”

Alignment Boosters

Please complete the form below and click the button. Your Alignment Boosters PDF will be emailed to you promptly.


Please complete the form below and click the button. Your Visualizations MP3 will be emailed to you promptly.