Turk Akbay on Getting Comfortable with More Money and Abundance

Turk Akbay immigrated to the United States alone at only 17 years old with only $200 in his pocket. Later, he discovered the teachings of Abraham Hicks and has been in the hot seat well over 10 times at workshops all over the world, a testament to his deep commitment to understanding and seeking universal wisdom. Turk is an idea guy, a passionate entrepreneur who created a multitude of successful companies, including a dog training business, which he still operates today. In this interview, we discuss the difference between being worthy to receive abundance simply because we exist and the feeling that we need to justify and earn abundance through achievements and hard work.


Highlights of this episode

  1. The nickname “Drone Boy” is born
  2. Rhonda and Turk discuss their spiritual journeys
  3. When you’re vibing high and something bad happens
  4. Cranking up the magnet
  5. The world around you is your feedback mechanism. It tells you what you’ve been thinking/creating.
  6. Wanting more money is about wanting more freedom (so focus on the feeling of freedom)
  7. Abundance is about allowing and receiving and knowing it’s already done.
  8. No external thing can fill the void. Only going within can fill it.
  9. When things come too easily, we question their validity. What if easy was your new norm?
  10. “What I’m seeking now is being comfortable with more.” 
Connect with Turk Akbay
Facebook: Turk Akbay
Instagram @turkakbay
Turk Akbay’s TedX Talk, “Are You ‘Being’ an American?”



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Delicious Alignment: How 25 Women Learned to Love and Transform Their Bodies Using Abraham-Hicks and the Law of Attraction

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Weight loss beyond deprivation, dieting and willpower. Focused on avoiding “junk thoughts” more than junk food, it uses the deeper principles of the LOA (Law of Attraction) as presented by Abraham Hicks. Half off now during beta testing.


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